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Return to the main Scientology index   These pages contain, among other things, critical information and government findings of fact pertaining to Narconon, the drug rehabilitation program run by the "Church" of Scientology.

This site is not affiliated with the Church of Scientology.

      Narconon is a drug-rehabilitation program run by the Church of Scientology. Its methods are, to say the least, unconventional, and have been roundly criticized by doctors and other scientists as potentially lethal.

      When one facility was being examined for certification, Narconon's spokesperson, Kirstie Alley, advised board members not to worry about details and to certify Narconon "because the treatment works". Several studies and reports, however, show that Narconon can be dangerous to a patient's physical and mental well-being, and that Narconon is used to recruit new members into the Church of Scientology.

Quick Menu:

Click on the document title to load it, or click on the word DESC following the document title for a brief description.

   Narconon Skeptics' FAQ                                   DESC
   1974 Report to the California Department of Health       DESC
   1992 Findings of the Oklahoma Board of Mental Health     DESC
   Summary of articles on Narconon Chilocco, 1989-1993      DESC
   Incorporation records of many Narconon facilities        DESC
   JAMA article concerning niacin                           DESC

Document Descriptions:
Narconon Skeptics' FAQ

A document answering many of the common questions -- and rebutting most of the commonly made public-relations claims -- about Narconon. Written by Gisle Hannemyr.

1974 Report to the California Department of Health

This report, which still contains a good deal of pertinent information on the way Narconon operates, was the result of an evaluation of Narconon New Life of Los Angeles, conducted at the request of the California State Department of Health. It does not reflect very well upon Narconon.

1992 Findings of the Oklahoma Board of Mental Health

This document reveals the Findings of Fact presented upon review of Narconon Chilocco's application for certification by the Board of Mental Health in the State of Oklahoma. Like the above document, it details Narconon's rather less-than-admirable treatment methods, and shows that they haven't changed much in nearly twenty years.

Summary of articles on Narconon Chilocco, 1989-1993

A brief synopsis of the circumstances surrounding the Narconon Chilocco facility -- a tale of Narconon's lies, changing stories and unpaid bills. Compiled by Tilman Hausherr from the FACTNet archive of newspaper stories concerning the facility.

Incorporation records of many Narconon facilities

Brett Achorn did a search for state incorporation records pertaining to Narconon. Out of twenty-seven hits, only nine were listed as active and in good standing. The rest, presented in this document, are listed as having their incorporations suspended, revoked, dissolved, forfeited, etc.

JAMA article concerning niacin

One part of Narconon's regimen involves taking large doses of niacin. Here's a report printed in the Journal of the American Medical Association warning of certain potential dangers of this substance. (But wait, I thought that Narconon was supposed to be a "totally drug-free program"!)

This page is maintained by Jeff Lee <godfrey@shipbrook.net>

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